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Are you tired of heating your oven to bake a batch of biscuits? Welcome to the revolutionary world of air frying, where baking biscuits in an air fryer can save you time without sacrificing that golden-brown perfection. In this guide, we’ll unveil the secrets to baking biscuits in an air fryer, turning this versatile appliance into your new go-to for quick, delicious, and perfectly crisp treats. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a curious newbie, these tips will transform your biscuit game, making every bite a delightful experience. Ready to bake the best biscuits of your life? Let’s dive in!

Tips for Baking Biscuits in an Air Fryer: Delicious Homemade Treats

Baking Biscuits


Making delicious homemade biscuits in an air fryer is super simple and fun. With the right tips and techniques, you can turn out fluffy, golden-brown biscuits every time. It’s incredible how an air fryer can speed up cooking and deliver consistent results without heating the whole kitchen.


I’ve learned a few tricks to help you achieve the perfect biscuit texture and flavor. From picking the best ingredients to mastering the proper cooking temperature, every step counts. And don’t worry about the cleanup—using an air fryer makes it easier than you think.


Whether you’re a seasoned baker or just starting, these tips will make your biscuit-baking experience smoother and more enjoyable. Grab your ingredients, and let’s start with some easy and practical steps to elevate your biscuit game!

Key Takeaways


  • Use high-quality ingredients and keep them cold. Opt for all-purpose or self-rising Flour, cold butter for flakiness, and buttermilk for optimal rise. Proper mixing and dough preparation are crucial for achieving fluffy, golden-brown biscuits.


  • Familiarize yourself with your air fryer’s type and functions. Preheating the air fryer and managing airflow are essential for even cooking. Know the differences between basket-style and oven-style air fryers to adjust cooking methods effectively.


  • Set your air fryer to the correct temperature, typically 400°F, and cook for 8-10 minutes. Flip the biscuits halfway through for even browning and adjust timing based on the size of the biscuits and the model of your air fryer.


  • Enjoy the convenience of easy cleanup with your air fryer. Use parchment paper to prevent sticking and make cleaning easier. Proper storage of leftover biscuits ensures they stay fresh for a few days or can be frozen longer.


  • Explore gluten-free options and flavor variations like cheddar, chives, cinnamon, and sugar. These techniques and recipes can help you cater to dietary needs and personal preferences, enhancing your biscuit-making experience.

Understanding Your Air Fryer

Understanding Your Air Fryer


When it comes to baking biscuits in an air fryer, knowing your appliance is important. Let’s look at the different types of air fryers, why preheating matters, and how airflow can affect biscuit placement.

Types of Air Fryers


There are several types of air fryers. The most common are basket-style and oven-style.


  • Basket-style Air Fryers have a removable basket where you place the food. They are usually compact and great for small kitchens.


  • On the other hand, Oven-style air fryers look more like mini ovens and come with racks. They often have a larger capacity, making them perfect for bigger families or cooking multiple items simultaneously.


Knowing which type you have can help you adjust your cooking methods accordingly. Not all air fryers cook the same way, so it’s good to familiarize yourself with your specific model.

Preheating Is Key


Preheating your air fryer creates the perfect cooking environment for your biscuits. Start by setting the air fryer to the temperature needed for your recipe. Many recipes recommend 350°F to 400°F. Preheating ensures even cooking. This is especially important for biscuits because they must rise and bake evenly.

Did You Know?


Without preheating, you might have undercooked centers or hard, overcooked edges. Some air fryers have a built-in preheat function. If yours doesn’t, empty it for 3-5 minutes at the set temperature.

Air Flow and Biscuit Placement


Airflow is crucial when baking biscuits in an air fryer. Proper air circulation ensures even cooking on all sides. To achieve this, place your biscuits in a single layer. Using a rack in an oven-style air fryer can help improve airflow.


Consider flipping the biscuits halfway through the cooking time if your air fryer allows. Aim to minimize overcrowding to ensure each biscuit gets cooked to perfection. If necessary, cook in batches to maintain proper spacing.

Baking Biscuits in an Air Fryer: Ingredients for Biscuit Perfection


To achieve the perfect biscuit texture, using the right balance of Flour, fats, and liquids is important. Each component plays a crucial role in creating a delicious, fluffy biscuit.

Choosing the Right Flour


Using the right Flour is essential:


  • All-purpose Flour is the best choice because it has the right balance of protein and gluten. It’s not too hard, and it’s not too soft, which helps create that perfect biscuit texture.


  • Self-rising Flour can also be a good option. This type of Flour already contains baking powder and salt, saving you a step. It’s convenient and ensures your biscuits rise just right.


Avoid using high-protein Flour like bread flour when baking biscuits in an air fryer because they will make your biscuits tough.

The Role of Fats


Fats are crucial for the flakiness and flavor of your biscuits. Butter is my favorite because it gives a rich taste and helps create flaky layers. Make sure to use cold butter and cut it into the Flour until it looks like coarse crumbs. This makes the butter melt during baking, creating steam that makes the biscuits rise.


Shortening is another option. It doesn’t have the same flavor as butter but makes very soft and tender biscuits. Some recipes even mix butter and shortening to get the best of both worlds.

Liquids and Leavening Agents


For the liquid, buttermilk is a popular choice. Its slight acidity reacts with baking powder and soda, helping your biscuits rise. If you don’t have buttermilk, you can substitute it by adding a tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar to a cup of milk and letting it sit for a few minutes.


Baking powder is the most common leavening agent, but some recipes add a bit of baking soda if they include buttermilk. These agents help your biscuits rise and become airy.


Ensure they are fresh for the best results, as old baking powder or soda might not work well. Getting these ingredients right will set you on the path to making perfect biscuits every time. Experimenting with these basics can help you find your ideal combination.

Baking Biscuits in an Air Fryer: Mixing and Dough Preparation


In this section, we’ll discuss properly mixing the biscuit ingredients and preparing the dough for baking biscuits in an air fryer. Proper preparation ensures your biscuits come out fluffy and delicious.

The Mixing Technique


To start, gather all your ingredients: Flour, baking powder, sugar, salt, butter, and milk. It is easiest to measure everything out before mixing. Combine the dry ingredients first. Mix together the flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt in a bowl. This ensures that the leavening agents are evenly distributed throughout the dry ingredients. Next, grate the cold butter or cut it into small cubes. Mix it into the dry ingredients using a pastry cutter or a fork until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.


This step is crucial because evenly distributed butter creates light, flaky layers. Finally, pour in the milk. Stir it gently with a fork until just combined. Overmixing can lead to tough biscuits, so stop when the dough comes together.

Dough Consistency


Getting the dough consistency right is key. Your dough should be somewhat sticky but not too wet if it sticks too much to your hands or the surface; lightly Flour both. Place the dough on a floured surface and gently knead it until it holds together.


Remember, less is more here. Press or roll the dough to about 1/2-inch thickness. You want it thick enough to rise well in the air fryer. If it’s too thin, the biscuits will be flat and dense. Use a sharp biscuit cutter and avoid twisting it when cutting.

Resting the Dough


Once your biscuits are cut, let the dough rest for about 10 minutes. This step allows the gluten to relax, which helps the biscuits rise better and become more tender. Place the cut biscuits in the refrigerator during this time.


Keeping the dough cold ensures the butter stays solid until baking, which is crucial for creating those flaky layers. After resting, arrange the biscuits in the air fryer basket. Make sure they are spaced about 1 inch apart to allow for expansion. Now, they’re ready for baking.

Shaping and Cutting Biscuits

Shaping and Cutting Biscuits


Creating perfectly shaped and even biscuits is essential for baking in an air fryer. Using the right techniques will ensure they cook evenly and look delightful.

Rolling vs. Pressing the Dough


When working with biscuit dough, you have two main options: rolling or pressing.


  • Rolling is traditional and helps achieve a uniform thickness. Grab a rolling pin and roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface. Try to get it to about 1/2 inch thick for even cooking.


  • Pressing the dough is an alternative method. With this technique, you pat the dough out with your hands. This can give a more rustic look to the biscuits. Make sure the dough is evenly pressed to avoid uneven cooking.

Cutting for Uniformity


Biscuits of the same size ensure they bake evenly when baking biscuits in an air fryer. Use a round biscuit cutter for the best results. When you cut out the biscuits, press the cutter straight down into the dough and skip the twisting! Twisting can seal the edges, preventing the biscuits from rising properly. Use a glass or a cookie cutter if you don’t have a biscuit cutter. Dip it in Flour first to prevent sticking. Place the biscuits slightly apart in the air fryer basket to ensure proper air circulation when baking biscuits in an air fryer.

Cooking in the Air Fryer

Baking Biscuits in an Air Fryer


Cooking biscuits in an air fryer is quick and easy. The temperature and timing are crucial for getting perfectly baked biscuits; turning them halfway ensures even browning.

Temperature and Timing


Setting the right temperature is key. I usually set my air fryer to 400°F for most biscuit recipes. Cooking at this temperature gives biscuits a nice golden color and a crispy outer layer. The average cooking time is about 8 to 10 minutes.


If you’re cooking smaller biscuits, you might reduce the time. You may need to extend larger ones by a couple of minutes. Checking on the biscuits during the last couple of minutes helps avoid overcooking.


Using a lower temperature, like 330°F for about 9 to 10 minutes, works well, too, especially for more delicate biscuits. For example, if you’re using canned or refrigerated dough, this setting ensures it cooks evenly without burning the outside while the inside remains undercooked.

Turning Biscuits for Even Browning


To achieve even browning, it’s vital to flip the biscuits halfway through cooking. After 4 to 5 minutes, I carefully turn each biscuit using tongs. This prevents one side from getting too dark while the other remains pale. If your air fryer basket is large enough, you can cook 4 to 6 biscuits simultaneously, keeping them about 2 inches apart.


This spacing allows hot air to circulate properly, ensuring each biscuit cooks evenly. I always check the biscuits in the last few minutes for the best results. This allows me to adjust the time if some biscuits are browning faster. Remember, each air fryer brand and model might have slight differences, so some experimentation can go a long way to finding the perfect settings for your machine.

Here’s an additional video about baking biscuits in an air fryer.

By: Simple Recipes Kitchen

Serving and Storage Tips


When serving or storing homemade air fryer biscuits, consider some best practices to maintain their fluffy texture and delicious taste. Whether serving immediately or saving for later, proper handling is key.

Best Practices for Serving


I always recommend serving air fryer biscuits warm. They taste best right out of the air fryer when soft and fluffy inside with a slight crisp on the outside. I like to brush the tops with melted butter or honey butter for extra flavor. It adds a nice shine and a touch of sweetness.


Pairing the biscuits with jams, jellies, or savory options like gravy can enhance the meal. I usually prepare a small spread so everyone can choose their favorite toppings. If I’m serving for a gathering, I prefer to arrange the biscuits in a basket lined with a clean cloth. This keeps them warm longer and makes the table look inviting.

Storing Leftover Biscuits


Whenever I have leftover biscuits, I store them properly to keep them fresh. First, let the biscuits cool completely to prevent condensation buildup, which can make them soggy. Then, place them in an airtight container or a resealable plastic bag. They stay good at room temperature for about two days. For longer storage, I freeze the biscuits.


Wrapping each biscuit in plastic wrap before placing them in a freezer-safe bag helps prevent freezer burn. When I want to serve them later, I reheat them in the air fryer for a few minutes until they’re warm and delicious again. Proper storage ensures you enjoy your homemade biscuits even after the baking day.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Baking Biscuits in an Air Fryer


In this section, I’ll discuss how to prevent burnt bottoms and handle doughy centers when Baking biscuits in an air fryer.

Preventing Burnt Bottoms


One of the common issues is burnt bottoms. Burnt bottoms can happen when the air fryer basket is too close to the heating element. I place the basket on a middle rack if possible. Using parchment paper can also help.


I cut a piece to fit the bottom of the air fryer basket. This helps to even out the heat distribution and prevents direct contact between the biscuits and the hot surface. Also, slightly lowering the cooking temperature can help. Instead of 400°F, I might use 375°F, and I keep a close eye on the biscuits during the last few minutes of cooking.

Dealing With Doughy Centers


Doughy centers are another common problem. To avoid this, I ensure that my biscuits arenareck. If enough they are, I flatten them slightly before placing them in the air fryer.


Spacing the biscuits properly is also crucial. I place them about 2 inches apart to allow for proper air circulation. The biscuits might stay raw in the middle if the air can’t circulate.


Par-cooking at a lower temperature first also works well for me. I start at around 325°F for a few minutes and then increase to the final temperature. This helps cook the insides without over-browning the outside.

Advanced Techniques and Variations


Some advanced techniques for baking biscuits in an air fryer can enhance your results, making them perfect for different dietary needs and flavor preferences. Gluten-free options and incorporating flavors and spices can elevate your biscuit game.

Gluten-Free Options


Some of you might need to avoid gluten, but you can still experience delicious biscuits. To make gluten-free biscuits, you can use a gluten-free flour blend. Look for one that includes xanthan gum, which helps mimic the texture provided by gluten.


Mix your gluten-free Flour with baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Adding a bit of yogurt or buttermilk will help to keep your biscuits moist and tender.


When air frying, keep an eye on them, as gluten-free dough can cook a bit faster. Check them around the 7-8 minute mark to avoid overcooking.

Incorporating Flavors and Spices


Adding different flavors and spices to your biscuits can make them more exciting. One popular option is adding cheddar cheese and chives. Mix grated cheddar and finely chopped chives into your biscuit dough before you bake them. For a sweeter twist, try adding cinnamon and sugar.


Sprinkle the mixture on top of the biscuits before putting them into the air fryer. Another great option is to infuse the dough with garlic powder and rosemary for a savory biscuit that pairs well with soups and stews. Experimenting with flavors allows you to customize your biscuits to match any meal or occasion.

Mastering Biscuits in Your Air Fryer


There you have it—everything you need to know for baking biscuits in an air fryer and making the most of this fantastic kitchen appliance. Following these tips, you can achieve perfectly fluffy, golden-brown biscuits with minimal effort and time. From understanding your air fryer’s unique features to selecting the best ingredients and mastering the baking process, these insights will help elevate your biscuit-making skills.

Remember, the beauty of baking biscuits in an air fryer lies in its efficiency and ease. With the right techniques, you can enjoy warm, homemade biscuits in just a few minutes without preheating a traditional oven. So, next time you’re in the mood for a delicious batch of biscuits, grab your air fryer and get baking!


Whether you stick to classic recipes or experiment with new flavors and dietary options, these tips will ensure your biscuit-making experience is enjoyable and successful. Happy baking!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Possible to Make Healthier Biscuits in an Air Fryer Using Alternative Ingredients?

Yes, you can swap ingredients to make healthier biscuits. Consider using whole wheat flour or almond Flour for more fiber. Reduce the butter and use yogurt instead. You can also add flaxseeds or chia seeds for an extra health boost.

Can You Use Pre-made Biscuit Dough, Like Pillsbury, in an Air Fryer?

Absolutely! Pre-made biscuit dough, like Pillsbury, works well in an air fryer. Follow the recommended temperature and cooking duration on the packaging and adjust as needed to get the desired texture.

Are There Any Tips for Achieving a Sweet Biscuit Flavor When Using an Air Fryer?

Consider adding honey or a bit of sugar to your biscuit dough for a sweet twist. You can also brush the tops with melted butter and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar before baking. This gives a lovely, sweet crust.

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